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Lake Perris BMX - Keeping Kids Clean in the Dirt - HomeDESCRIPTION
Welcome to Lake Perris BMX. TRACK IS CLOSED TRACK IS CLOSED FOR RACING OCT. 5TH. 10292011 Grand Opening- Double Points Race. Friday Night Cruiser Nights 7. Rent the track out for your birthday, church group or any other group! Next Todd Spriet clinic will be September 29th.CONTENT
This web site states the following, "TRACK IS CLOSED TRACK IS CLOSED FOR RACING OCT." Our analyzers noticed that the website stated " 10292011 Grand Opening- Double Points Race." The Website also said " Friday Night Cruiser Nights 7. Rent the track out for your birthday, church group or any other group! Next Todd Spriet clinic will be September 29th."